DIY Collage Notebook and Wall Art

Recently, I put a poll on Twitter, asking you what posts you wanted to see more of. Let's be honest, it was a huge fail, on my part, because only one person voted! Thank you to whoever that was!!! And, as they chose DIYs, I decided to make you guys this post! I l❤ved making these items and I was sceptical as to whether I was going to use them in a post, or not, (depending on their success). However, here's the post so I must've been happy with them! 😂 DIY Collage Notebook I literally cannot explain to you how pleased I am about how this turned out. This would be super cute to take to school or use for work to brighten up your day! To make it, it is SUPER easy but a little time-consuming. 1. You may want to hand-draw your hexagons so that you can have complete control over the size and pattern on your notebook. If you can't be bothered- like me 😉- I have created this image for you to use, instead. Just print it out in a document, A4 size. ...