February Must-Haves 2018
Another mid-week post! I don't tend to get the chance to do these apart from when it's nearing the end of the month for my Must-Haves posts! With this one, I've thrown a few more less-beauty products in- is that a word😮? Hide The Blemish Rimmel London Concealer This particular concealer has quite an orangey look when you apply it but as soon as it's been blended, it really performs as it says: it hides the blemish. I haven't had a fault with it apart from when I forget to blend bits in 😃! That's why I've been loving this concealer, this month! https://www.rimmellondon.com/en_gb/products/face/hide-the-blemish-concealer Sky Song by Abi Elphinstone My mum had recommended this to me because apparently its been having amazing reviews. Both Mum and I are bookworms and love a fictional story and this book is just amazing. The words and sentences are beautiful and are magical. Every single sentence must have been thought out so car...