Skiing Holiday Bloopers!

Hello everybody!
If you got to have a little break last week, how did it go? Let me know in the comments and if you didn't, tell me how your week went in general. I'd love to know! My family and I spent our half-term skiing in France (hence why the post is a bit late)! I could have told you about the whole experience but decided it may be better for me to show you ten of the funniest scenarios from our holiday in no particular order. Enjoy!

Mum and Dad were sat on the chairlift together, going up the slope to the top and when you arrive, there is a bar you have to lift up and a little slope at the end that you have to slide down. On top this, the chairlift doesn't stop when it's time to get off which adds quite a lot of pressure to the experience but can be very humorous. It was their turn to get off so Dad spread his arms out to push off the ground with his poles, accidentally forcing Mum back into her chair, meaning that she couldn't get off because it had started going up again! The chairlift stopped and the man who was working there came over to help her. The funniest thing was that he was really annoyed!
In addition to this, every time she went on the chairlift afterwards, with Dad, he would genuinely accidentally knock her over and she said that she was not to go on there with him again... but she did and the same happened each time!

My Uncle was stood, eating his sandwich just under the edge of a cafe's roof. The roofs are sloped really steep to help snow fall off easily... which is exactly what happened! It all slipped in that one place onto his head and his sandwich! You couldn't have done it if you tried. To make us laugh he took a bite and it looked so cold!
I can't say that I'm the best at skiing and when people ski up close behind me I freak out a little bit. Apparently, this was hilarious and it had to be put in the post but I didn't find exactly 'funny' just terrifying. In France, 'Ecole de Ski' means 'Ski School' in English or literally translated to 'School of Ski'. In the particular resort we skied in, there were lots of groups of ski classes and they all ski in one, long line meaning they do tend to get in your way. I was skiing too close to the side of the slope and a small ski schooler came up behind me and I skied into the side causing them to crash into my back- whoops! Luckily, they were not hurt and skied straight by me. Unfortunately, as they moved away, their ski caught on mine, turning me backwards and knocking one of my skis off. As I was already going at quite high speed, I ended up going fast, backwards down the slope. Not an experience I want to relive.
This was the third day where I had become quite confident with the routes we were taking. We skied in quite a large group so I had a few people both in front and behind of me. I thought I knew where I was going but I didn't so I skidded off down the wrong slope. When I'd got fairly far down the slope, I realised that I had gone down the wrong way so I had to climb all the way back up, wearing skis that were designed to slide down, not climb up.

If you want to know how fast you can ski, there is a section of slope that measures your speed but you have to pass through banners shaped like this:
                                      ____________ _____________

My dad tried to pass through these (the slope is very steep here) but he caught his ski on the first pole, causing him to go skidding through the banner on the other side and slide part of the way down. It was hilarious but don't worry- he wasn't hurt!
At some point during the holidays, my brother, my cousin  (Yes, they were there, too!) and I had a snowball fight, however, we were so exhausted from the day of skiing we had just performed that we had it, each of us sat down and we weren't allowed to move from that spot. I managed to get my cousin and brother three times in the ear, each, with a snowball and it was so funny!

As a celebration of our improvement and achievements, that week, we brought together our holiday with a huge snowball fight where everybody joined in. It was quite a steep, snowy hill that the battle commenced on so we brought our 'Bum Sledges' which are small pieces of plastic that you sit on with a handle that you pull up between your legs and hold onto. Bearing in mind that she screams at 'Duck Duck Goose', Mum had a go and screamed all the way down this steep hill: It was hilarious!

Furthermore, in our huge snowball fight, everybody ganged up on her and blasted her with snowballs. It happened to each of us but, as you can imagine, she was the one that screamed the most!

Another one of the funny highlights of our holiday was when we took it in turns to go through this particularly difficult section of 'Off Slope' skiing which means it is not flat with a lot of lumps and bumps! Normally we could ski in these sort of areas, however, this particular section was a tight corner with dips about a foot deep. None of us who went through there were excellent skiers but we all had basic skiing knowledge. Three of my cousins went through and managed to pile up at the end of the run (which was about a metre wide) and another of my many cousins and I were going too fast so we shot through, behind them and joined the pile. It was quite entertaining!

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My previous post: Winter Life Hacks-


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