Harry Potter Birthday Party! PART 3- Food

Woop! Part 3 of my Harry Potter Party "How to" !!!

I apologise this post has been such a long time coming! If you have no idea what I am talking about, check out my other posts 'Harry Potter Birthday Party! PART 1- Decorations' and 'Harry Potter Birthday Party! PART 2- Decorations continued' as this is the third in the series!

I've been telling you how to create decorations for your party so far but I haven't shown you how to make the tasty treats that come with it!


Chocolate Frogs!🐸

These are a classic confectionary item in Harry Potter and come in a beautiful box with a 'Chocolate Frog Card' that comes with it!

To make these, you'll need to print the pictures below- size: A4  :

Fold the boxes up, to create the actual box and cut the cards out. Find the ones that are the right way round and stick the person's description onto the back of their photo. You may want to back them on card first. Put the cards inside the boxes and put a chocolate Freddo Frog in there too!

Niffler Bread🍞

You will be transported to the magical world of Harry Potter as you bite into these bread rolls inspired by the magical creature:  'A Niffler'.

You can learn how to make these delicious savoury treats by following the link below:


Cheesy BroomsticksπŸ§€

Theses edible broomsticks will liven your party up! Follow the link below to find out the way to create these:


Polyjuice Potion and Blood🍹

To have some Polyjuice Potion sat at your banquet, you can purchase 'Innocent super smoothie Invigorate' from a lot of supermarkets. If you can't find this, why not either make your own green smoothie?!? A way of making this even more effective, I put this in a skull jug!

For the Blood, just pour cranberry juice into another one of these jugs!

For that classic Butterbeer☕:

Visit 'Bakingdom' for a tasty hot chocolate version of Butterbeer! 


Crunch on these delicious gingerbread biscuitsπŸͺ:
To create this tasty dessert, you will need to follow the BBC Food's recipe for gingerbread. Instead of moulding them into gingerbread shapes, lay the mixture in a tray as if a traybake. When it's cool, cut out the shapes that you would like and pipe decorations onto them with piping icing. Some little kids helped me with decorating with these!
BBC Food's Gingerbread recipe:

Golden SnitchesπŸ˜€:

These are so cute and so effective so why not follow these simple instructions to spice up your party:  
Cheesy HowlersπŸ§€:

You will need:
  • Grated Cheese
  • Red Pepper
  • Filo pastry
  • Egg
  1. Cut the filo pastry into squares with about 16cm edges.
  2. Fill the centre with the grated cheese.
  3. Fold in the corners to the centre to create an envelope shape.
  4. Brush with an egg wash before cutting red pepper into triangles and arranging them into the shape of an angry face!
  5. Bake in the oven until crispy but not burnt.
  6. Enjoy and tell me how it went in the comments below!
Mini Chicken PiesπŸ“:
Harry consumes a fair amount of meat pies at Hogwarts, so why not enjoy one at your party meal!?!
You will need:
  • White Sauce
  • Chicken (cut into pieces- size is up to you)
  • Bacon (cut into pieces- size is up to you)
  • Filo Pastry
  • Egg
  1. Grease round a muffin tin with butter before lining it with baking parchment.
  2. Press filo pastry around the inside of the muffin tin to create the bottom of the pie.
  3. To make the filling, pour a drizzle of oil into a frying pan and heat it before putting the chicken and bacon in there and frying until cooked.
  4. Mix this with the white sauce in a mixing bowl before spooning your preferred amount into each pie case.
  5. Add a lid to the pies with the filo pastry and then coat lightly with an egg wash before baking in the oven before the pastry is cooked.
  6. When they have come out of the oven, let them cool in the tray for 2 minutes before taking out onto a cooling rack.
  7. Enjoy! Tell me how your bake went in the comments!
Professor Sprout's Veggie Garden🌽:

Have a quick snack before the main meal!

You will need:
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Pepper
  1. Wash the salad items before chopping them into stick-shapes- watch your fingers!🍴
  2. Arrange them in clear plastic cups with the label- 'Professor Sprout's Veggie Garden'!
  3. Your guests are more likely to eat their greens like this!
Huffle Puffs!:
I apologise for the SERIOUSLY blurry image!😌

Create this snack by pouring 'Wotsits' into a bowl and label them 'Huffle Puffs'! 
Mandrake and Sorting Hat Cupcakes🍰:
You will need:
  • 8oz butter
  • 8oz caster sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 8oz plain flour
  • 1oz cocoa powder
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of baking powder
  • Skittle Sweets
  • Chocolate Icing
  • Mandrake pictures on sticks
  • Yellow fondant icing
  1. Line a muffin tin with reusable cupcake cases.
  2. Mix the ingredients in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy.
  3. Pour the mixture into the cake cases and bake for half an hour at 160°C. 
  4. Cool on a cooling rack before removing from their cases.
  5. Cut out a hollow in the bottom of the cake and fill this with Skittle sweets. 
  6. To stop the sweets from falling out, fill the rest of the hole with chocolate icing and push a bit of the cake that you cut out up there for safe measure.
  7. Cover the top of the cake with chocolate icing.
  1. Use some of the debris that you cut out of the bottom of the cakes and sprinkle it on top to look like soil and stick your mandrake figure in the top.
  1. Mould a little sorting hat out of yellow fondant icing and place it on top of the cake.

What kind of party is it without a cake?:

You will need:
  • 16oz butter
  • 16oz caster sugar
  • 8 eggs
  • 18 oz plain flour (sifted)
  • 2 heaped teaspoons of baking powder
  • Jam
  • Buttercream icing
  • White Fondant Icing
  • Green Food Colouring
  • Unedible decorations (see photos above)
  1. Mix the ingredients in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy.
  2. Pour the mixture into the cake cases and bake for half an hour at 160°C. 
  3. Remove them from their tins and wait until completely cool.
  4. Spread jam and the buttercream icing onto of one of the sponges and put the other on the top.
  5. Cover the cake with white fondant icing and use a clean paintbrush to cover the top lightly with green food colouring. I used food colouring instead of green fondant icing because it gives a more 'grassy' look.
  6. Stick the characters and hoops into the cake.
  7. Arange the other decorations around the cake.
Stay tuned for more,


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