Winter Life Hacks

In winter, there are many obstacles that people have to overcome: more for some people and just little ones for others.
To help you with the little things, here is my blog post on Winter Life Hacks! I hope you enjoy!


I'm not sure if it's just me of whether other people can't sleep when their feet are cold (If your the same... tell me down below in the comments). My first thought would be to put on some socks, however, I prefer to fill a hot water bottle and put down, under my covers, at the bottom of my bed about 10 minutes before I go to sleep. This warms up where my feet are going to go, therefore warming my feet!


Staying on the subject of warmth, if your house is a bit cold and you don't want to put your central heating on for whatever reason, why not after you've finished cooking leave your oven open? I have tried this and it actually works!


Winter essentials: these items are a life saver in winter!

  • Tissues
  • Suncream (for those really snowy places- don't want yourself to burn!)
  • Sunglasses (also got the snowy landscapes)
  • Wellington boots
  • Lots of wooly jumpers
  • Big blankets for the sofa or on your bed for extra warmth
  • Wooly socks (keep those feet warm!)

Dry your boots out on a tray covered in stones. You might want to fix them down for a more permanent item. It would be a good idea to wash them before putting them on the stones!


This is not really a Winter Life Hack but, I made it in winter so... it counts. Basically, I looked in the bottom of the toothbrush pot and what was in there disgusted me so I chose to make something from an idea I saw in a video. It didn't quite go to plan as the bottle top wasn't quite big enough to fit the head of my toothbrush in so I cut out a bit at the bottom to do the same but the other way around. This didn't work either but I hung it up so the head was out of the top. This actually works!


 Shave the bobbles of your clothes to make them look new again! This comes into the winter category because I tend to wear a lot more clothes of this material. You can see the difference looking before the seam in the cloth to after it.

Go and try out a few of these hacks and tell me if they benefit you in anyway in the comments! Please hit that 'Follow' button for upadates on when my posts come out, directly to your email!

Stay tuned for more,

My previous post: 70th Birthday Weekend Food Diary-


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