70th Birthday Party Weekend- Food Diary!

Have you guys had a good weekend? I know I definitely have as you'll find out in a minute!

This weekend was based around food never a surprise with my family! In addition, it was all for a special occasion- My Grandma's 70th Birthday Party! So here's my Grandma's 70th Birthday Weekend Food Diary! (That's a mouthful)

Friday night kicked off with a Chinese takeaway! More family turned up. There was too much so there still is some to spare- whoops! It was so tasty with prawn toasts (my favourite😉!), rice, noodles and much more! I don't drink but those who do had a few drinks and we all had a great time!

The next day, we woke up to a chilled morning and breakfast. More guests turned up and we played with the little ones and socialised a bit more. By the time lunch came, we were all hungry again😮! Along the table, a buffet was laid including beef and salmon sandwiches- not together!

Desert came next, the birthday cake! I made the cake along with a little help from my brother who made a little of the icing and my auntie who helped buy the sparklers and turn the cake as I iced it!

After stuffing ourselves, again, we spent the afternoon, once again, chatting and just relaxing. Until dinner...

Before heading to a lovely restaurant, we got ourselves glammed-up and jumped in a taxi. The meal consisted of, for me, tasty tomato and onion soup, fresh seabass and raspberry cheesecake. 

When we got back home, we were all so tired that we decided it was a good idea to go straight to bed. And, that's just what we did.

The next day was Grandma's actual birthday so my auntie had set up some amazing decorations around the room for breakfast. We watched her open her gifts over pastries and cooked breakfast!

There were party poppers, balloons full of confetti and beautiful flowers! 
We used up the rest of the morning relaxing and getting ready for the rest of the day. Unsurprisingly, we then went out for lunch. This was Afternoon Tea!
In the mix of cakes, there were many things which we gauged ourselves on until we were stuffed- as we were all weekend!

My weekend was eventful, I wonder if yours was. Why don't you tell me about it in the comments!? If you enjoyed reading this, don't forget to follow for updates of when my new posts come out! Also, please share my posts with your friends if you like reading my blog!

Stay tuned for more,

Previous Post: January Must Haves 2018

Link: https://ellycuriouswords.blogspot.co.uk/2018/02/january-must-haves-2018.html


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