February Must-Haves 2018

Another mid-week post! I don't tend to get the chance to do these apart from when it's nearing the end of the month for my Must-Haves posts! With this one, I've thrown a few more less-beauty products in- is that a word๐Ÿ˜ฎ?

Hide The Blemish Rimmel London Concealer
This particular concealer has quite an orangey look when you apply it but as soon as it's been blended, it really performs as it says: it hides the blemish. I haven't had a fault with it apart from when I forget to blend bits in ๐Ÿ˜ƒ! That's why I've been loving this concealer, this month!

Sky Song by Abi Elphinstone

My mum had recommended this to me because apparently its been having amazing reviews. Both Mum and I are bookworms and love a fictional story and this book is just amazing. The words and sentences are beautiful and are magical. Every single sentence must have been thought out so carefully.

Hard drive
Photos have been building up on my camera for the past half a year without them being backed up onto anything so if my camera got damaged, they would have been lost. I found this hard drive in a drawer with a few things on it so I transferred all my images onto it which took me 5 hours due to the number of images and it is also partly down to how I organised them!

Rose Gold Stationary Holder

If you know me well, you will know that I am obsessed with rose-gold and LOVE cute stationary. So, as you can imagine, when I saw a rose gold stationary holder for £3... I was won over. The money spilt out of my pocket too quickly. However, this time, I do not regret my decision as my desk has been 100% better than it was before!

My HP Sproket
After going skiing, I decided that I wanted to print off my favourite photos from the holiday. I considered doing them large but opted for the smaller, HP Sproket option. They came out just as I imagined and are now in tiny frames around the house. For any of you who are wondering what I'm talking about, an HP Sprocket is, it's a little wireless printer that you can connect to your phone and print photos with no ink. Also, the photo paper doubles up as a sticker because the back of it peels away to show a sticky side.


'Now' CD's
On our journey to our chalet, we listened to a lot of music as it spanned out over 24 hours with a 4 hours break for sleep.
The bundle of many CD's I took in the car were all 'Now' CD's because they have a wide variety of music on them. I thought I'd better add these to my Must-Haves because of their amount of entertainment to me this month and also reminded me of songs I'd forgotten about!

Soft & Gentle: Wild Rose & Vanilla Spray Deodorant

I ran out of my old deodorant recently so thought it might be a good idea for a change so I bought this one. Its fragrance is amazing and you only have to apply it once in a day even after doing sport.

Zoella Winter Wonder Hand Mini Handcream
This. Smells. Incredible. I first smelt this scent when my friend was wearing it and decided I would like it for Christmas and gratefully received it! And as I smelt it the first time, it is still AMAZING! 

Another post over and that leads me back to asking you to please click that 'Follow' button to receive an email each time I upload and also tell me whether you already have something from the list above!

Stay tuned for more,

My previous post: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Me-


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