Trying a New Skincare Routine for a Month

Being one of my new year goals, I thought I would make a start at the beginning of the year. With my new skincare routine, I have been using it for longer but consisitantly for a month, now. All of these products were featured in my January Must Haves 2019 but I didn't get a chance to explain the order in which I use the products and how I do. 


The Routine:

In both the evening and the morning, I use the same products in the same order excepting one aspect which I will mention why when I get to it. 

To begin, I like to rinse my face with water. Not only does this help the face wash lather, but it just is nice and refreshing to wake you up, with cold water, first thing in the morning! If I've been wearing makeup, applying the Clearasil Gentle Face Wash removes it as well as partially washing my face. On the other hand, in the morning I do like to use this, too so that I end up double cleansing.

Straight after, I take a cotton wool pad and squeeze a pea-sized amount of the Simple Purifying Cleansing Lotion and use it to remove any makeup residue from my face or as a second cleanse. 

Now I can trust that my face is completely makeup-free (which is really imprtant for healthy skin!), I apply the Simple Facial Toner Simple Soothing Facial Toner on the other side of the cotton wool pad I used before. Two things,
1) I'm not sure how good this is for your skin
2) I do it to save cotton wool pads and money so this is not compulsary in anyway shape or form.
The toner neutralises the pH of your skin which prevents acne and uneven skintones!

Finally, in the evening I will apply a tiny amount of the Simple Simple Protecting Light Moisturiser to keep my skin nice and soft. The reason I don't put it on in the morning is because I don't want it to cause acne (which, by the way, I have no idea if it would or not- I just don't want to take the risk- haha) and I want my foundation to sit nicely on my skin and I have quite greasy skin, anyway without the added moisture. I have no scientific reasoning behind these things and I literally have no clue if they would affect it or not but if you know ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING about skincare- haha- please share in the comments!

My Thoughts:
I am literally so pleased with this routine because it has helped reduce acne, and make my skin so much more even. Also, can I just say, these products aren't rediculously expensive AT ALL, if anything they're cheap compared to other options. I wouldn't share anything with you I don't truly believe are great products so definetly give these a try! 

Tell me anything you know about skincare: your tips and tricks down in the comments or over at my social medias which you can find linked below. I really hope you enjoyed this post!
Elly Xx


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