January Must Haves 2019

How has your new year been so far? I'm pretty sure I slept through January as I honestly have no idea where it went. This month the weather started gloomy, but then right at the end the sun began to shine a bit longer and light snow not only filled the sky but also covered the paths roads and grass to create many photography opportunities. February is going to be a very exciting month for me and I can't wait to share bits of it with you! 

One of my new year's resolutions was to learn more about skincare and improve my routine and my skin itself so as you could tell from my December Must Haves, I had begun a collection of products but January really boosted this and now I have a few more items to share with you. Clearasil and Simple play a big part in this post only because I love both brands so much and they work wonders for my skin! P.s. the best product is the last one so keep reading to find out what it is!

Simple Protecting Light Moisturiser

In winter I do tend to get drier skin in winter so this has been preventing that and keeping my face very soft. Once a day in the evenings, I will use a small amount of this but I don't in the morning just to prevent acne. To be honest, I am not sure if I would get acne from this I just haven't had time to research yet and I don't want to risk it! Let me know if you have any idea. 

Zoella's Snowella Fragrance

This scent might just be my favourite for winter! It happens to be the one I reach for most. Unfortunately, I only have the mini version but I will probably be purchasing another when I've finished it! Luckily, I do have the rollerball version too to keep me going until the next one will be in my shopping cart.

I have been using this facial toner by Simple after cleansing and so far, it has worked really well for my skin. Honestly, I am so happy with the quality of these products in this post!

Clearasil Gentil Wash has been a product I have been using for years and I'm pretty sure I've already shared it here on my blog. It not only helps to remove makeup but cleanses your skin too which worked really well for me before I used anything else in my skincare routine. Not to forget, I use this to clean my makeup brushes and it works like a treat. Can I just say... I'm really proud of this particular photo!

Price Tags

When creating a more obvious, striking look with makeup, say a purple eye that needs to have a clean edge/wing liner, I like to use a price tag off of clothes I have bought to create this effect. I just line it up with the corner or my eye to where I want the tip of the colour/liner to be and then I don't have to worry about creating a clean edge. Thought I might add this in just because I've been using this technique a lot more. And the best part is, it's completely free!

My number one favourite piece of jewellery ever. Possibly the best thing I have ever bought for myself are these clip-on hoop earrings. They're so pretty and cheap considering you get 6 sizes and you can choose from silver, rose gold or gold. I would be lying to you if I said they didn't hurt but they are comfortable up until the point you take them off and then put them back on again so my advice is to just leave them on until you don't want them on any longer. 

I hope you guys have enjoyed this post as I loved taking the photos out in the snow! Have you had any snow recently- let me know in the comments! Thank you all for your constant support!
Stay tuned for more,


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