December Must-Haves 2017

Happy New Year, everyone!🎉 I hope you all had great Christmases and I'd love to hear about them in the comments! For those of you who began to read my blogs during Blogmas, I am now going back to one post a week around the weekend time! If you enjoyed Blogmas, this year, let me know if you'd like me to join in again, next year and what you would like to see included! 

Anyway, it's just gone January so the December Must-Haves is slightly overdue. As always, there are links at the bottom of the page for you find out where to purchase one or more of the items below!

1. Smarties!

I. Love. Smarties. Perfect size to shove in your mouth as you race past the tube on your way to grab your car keys! This year, I received them in my stocking and I can't say that I didn't eat a few straight away😂.

2. Cakemoji book:

Even if it is a little childish, it's great fun! In this book, it shows you how to make cakes and biscuits in the shape of emojis! I haven't tried them out yet but the recipes look really fun and come with templates to assist! Also, I've already planned a few bakes, using this book, already.

3. Bath Tartlettes...

A bath product in a bath is always so relaxing, that's why I asked for some on my Christmas list! And, what do you know, Father Christmas was listening! These ones are Bath Tartlettes and are made by Rose & Co. I've already used one and they have a gorgeous rose smell (as the name suggests) that leaves a faint smell of it with you for a good 6 hours🌹!

4. Hair Bows!

Hair accessories always add a little extra something to your look whether it's a large or small one. I tend to go for a smaller one as to not overpower the style. Over Christmas, I wore these quite a lot and, actually, made me feel quite festive!

5. Terry's Chocolate Orange

My favourite! Just can't get enough of this stuff and the ones with lots of different flavours are just AMAZING!!! This came with my smarties in my stocking and the joy that it brought!

6. VO5 Express Primer Spray (For your hair)

Recently, I have been using a lot more heat on my hair without any protective sprays. The VO5 Express Primer helps to prevent split ends and damaged hair, via heat protection. It also gives your hair a lot of texture (so it kind of acts as a texture spray, as well) to help to style and give it a bit more hold. If you've got worries about a smaller child getting hold of it and spraying it, it has a lock so that it can't be accidentally pumped!

7. Tangle Teaser

This has come in handy this month because hairbrushes, in our house, tend to disappear 😅. I'm laughing but it's seriously annoying! I had my theory that if I had a hairbrush of my own, no one would take it. As if Father Christmas read my mind, he stuck a golden Tangle Teaser into my stocking! So far, my theory has worked...

8. Rimmel Mini Eyeshadow and Blush Palette.

There is only praise that I can give for these two items. (Apart from the fact that they're quite small!😄) The eyeshadow comes with 5 colours: 4 nudes and one pink. The pink, for me, I think is a bit out of my comfort zone but I will try it but I'm not sure how it will look! The colours -not including the pink- are all very subtle yet glittery. If you want your look to seem natural, maybe don't choose these because of their sparkle, however, you have to be looking hard to notice!

For the blush, it has a bit of shimmer that I noticed 6 days after I'd been using it so it can't be too obvious. To be honest, I really like it because it gives that healthy look back onto my tired face! 

Where can you get these things:

1. Smarties

2. Cakemoji Book

3. Bath Tartlettes

4. Hair Bows

Turquoise (similar):

5. Terry's Chocolate Orange

6. VO5 Express Primer Spray

7. Tangle Teaser

8. Rimmel Mini Eyeshadow and Blush Palettes


If you enjoyed this post, let me know in the comments and tell me what your favourite item on here, today is! Also, don't forget to let me know if you're going to get one of these items and/or already have one! Remember to click that 'Follow' button to recieve regular updates on when my new posts are sent out!

Stay tuned for more,

Previous Post: Christmas Traditions- Blogmas No. 25- 2017


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