Joules Bath Fizzers

Hello Everyone! Have you stuck to your new year's resolutions so far? I think I may have done- A first😀! Now, on the subject of this post. Today, I am doing another review-type of post on these Joules Bath Fizzers:

If you do decide you want to purchase these, there's a link at the bottom of the page.

The whole idea of these has been very well thought out because, where it can be, the design is actually genius. For instance, they come in a really cute egg cup holder, encased in pretty, patterned paper! There are four, each one with a different designed wrapped:

Pink, stripy;
Blue, geometric shapes;
Pink/Purple floral;
Detailed flower print.

And inside each intricate wrapper, there is one pink, egg-shaped bath fizzer (with a little rabbit on the front!)

I am guessing these were released at Easter time because, otherwise, I'm not sure what the significance of the rabbit, along with the eggs is. If you do know, I would love you to tell us in the comments!

Before you put it in the bath, remove the plastic wrapping because, trust me, it's harder to remove it after it's wet. Once you have done this, feel free to drop it into the water. The first time, I put it into the water which was the temperature I wanted to have a bath in. This seemed to work better than dropping it into just the hot water, then adding the cold.

As you can see, the water turns a pale shade of pink which I think is a really nice colour. And also, the smell! It is very floral and fruity which, personally, I think smells SO good😍!

When they come into contact with the water, it reacts a bit like this:

That video was a bit of an experiment- did it work? Well, I hope you enjoyed this post. If you did, don't forget to leave a comment and follow- all the lovely stuff! You know the drill!

Stay tuned for more,

Joules Bath Fizzers:

Previous Post: There's Nothing Wrong With You!



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