October Must Haves 2018

Hey guys! 

We have quickly jumped into November and despite how fast October went, I don't think it will feel very long until December springs upon us. In October, I have experimented in different areas of the beauty world and have started adding things to my morning routine that I didn't do before...

Natural Collection Eyebrow Pencil

This has been revolutionary within my daily look and I think it has really taken my makeup game to the next level. I've been watching people do their eyebrows for so long but not quite been brave enough to jump on the trend until now and I am so glad I have! I don't think it is a drastic change but it definitely ups my confidence and stops my eyebrows from looking not as put together.

Wow. Does this smell good. If you ask me, the Zoella Splash Botanics range might just have my favourite scent in the world- I am so glad there is a spray, too!! After a busy day, this is the best item to add to your bath for not only relaxation but it makes you feel almost tropical!

How could I mention the bubble bath without talking about the body sorbet? This is just so amazing!!

...is the perfect autumnal/winter colour for the transitional months. As well as drying so fast, it lasts so well and dries so quickly. Most of my nail varnishes are this brand and I don't think I will ever stop buying them!

I have always loved listening to music but this month, I literally have listened to it non stop- literally. One of my favourite places to listen is obviously Spotify where you can create playlists and listen to whatever song you want as well as BBC Radio 1 which has some really great shows on it.

100% this is my favourite item to wear this season. It's warm and you can create so many outfits with it as well as it is super cute! This would look great paired with a pair of boyfriend jeans and converses.

I don't own a lot of shoes- I just have what I need. So, now I have these shoes, they're a bit of a luxury and I love them so much! You can pair them with so much and they're super, super comfy. Also, I have quite small feet so you may have to look somewhere else for something similar.

That is my must-haves for October over! Let me know if you decide to buy one of the items or already have them. Make sure to check out my social medias (down below) and hit that 'Follow' Button!
Stay tuned for more,
Elly Xx


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