Staying Healthy For Summer!

You will never guess what!!! I have actually become organised with my blog posts so hopefully, the quality of them will improve! Also, creating them in the way that I have been, this week has been much more enjoyable! Photography has improved- I think 😂😉 and maybe soon my editing might as well- haha! But, on a serious note, I am super proud of this post and I hope you LOVE it even more than I do!!

Seeing as it's summer, now, and people might want to be getting that little bit healthier, I decided to make a little guide to help you guys. Just a little something... YOU are perfect the way you are. You don't need to change for anyone these are just a few tips to maybe help YOU  to feel happier with the thought you're acting a tiny bit healthier! Just be yourself!!!

1. Smoothies

You probably clicked on this post thinking: 'She's going to try and get me to ditch my usual diet for some disgusting healthy smoothie but I'll check it out anyway.' That is not what I'm going to do at all. What I am going to say though is, that if you're on a mission to get that extra stone off, it helps A LOT to watch your diet etc. blah blah blah. 
However, what you can do is try a smoothie as an extra and eat smaller portions at meal times. It is really important not to use these instead of what you would normally eat because smoothies don't always have all the nutrients needed, just a little boost to keep you going. 
I always tend to drink them in small amounts because the amount of sugar in the fruit or items builds up without you realising so it could end up being bad for you. These are also just amazing summer drinks that you could make for a Summer BBQ! 

I made this one I found on Pinterest- check it out here. It turned out delicious and would definitely recommend making it!

2. Couch to 5k

Obviously, exercise is key to staying fit and healthy. These days, we are so busy that we don't tend to have enough time to fit it into our schedule. However, half an hour out of your week can make you a 5k runner in under 10 weeks. No matter how much doubt you have about this programme, I can tell you that it works brilliantly. Having never run before, Couch to 5k had me running a 5k in less than 8 weeks. I have no faults for this. It is incredible.
I recommend creating or finding a running playlist if you're running on your own because it keeps your mood up and helps you forget about the task you've laid ahead of you. In addition, you begin to know in what part of the playlist it's time for you to turn around and head home or what stage you should be at that point. You can find it here.

I just realised that that splat of paint looks like Pac-Man 😂

3. Lemon Water

For a whole week, I drank lemon water first thing every morning. I'm not going to lie but it was disgusting. 😂 If you like lemon then maybe this is the hack for you but I definitely do not. If you do end up drinking it every day- good on you because, apparently, it has many health benefits. I read up on it and if you're interested, I think you should, too!

4. Drinking Water

I am awful at remembering to drink water so I decided to test out a few tricks and the one that worked best for me is to put your water in a bottle/cup that inspires you to drink (cheese overload 🧀🧀🧀😄). If you then put this on your desk when you're working or whatever, you pick it up and drink from it automatically.

5. Headspace

As well as physically, you probably should try to be healthy mentally. I have found Headspace SUPER useful for winding down at the end of the day and is totally worth the price (there are also free sections, too). It makes me feel sooo relaxed and prepared for bed, or if you do it at the start of the day, prepared for whatever gets in your way!!! It is basically an app for meditating which, to start with, I thought sounded a bit far-fetched but I have actually found it enjoyable! Find out more here.

6. Make a list

To prevent stress, listing, bullet journalling and journalling are great ways to document your thoughts and feelings and take a weight of your mind. You should try these if you're someone like me and if you don't have everything written down, it becomes stressful!

7. Fun

Have fun. This sounds kind of obvious but it makes you feel so much happier and in a better place in your mind! Make sure to organise tonnes of fun things to do this summer and make time for friends and family!

8. Plan your meals

Oh my goodness; this hack is incredible. If you plan your meals on a weekly basis, you don't tend to buy extra items from the shop that you probably don't need and you are a lot less likely to head to a takeaway for dinner. Planning meals has two main benefits: your shopping will be cheaper and you eat healthier. You could make a table a bit like this one and put it in a frame so that you can write on it with whiteboard pen, then rub it off for the next week!

Wow. That was a lengthy post! I hope it wasn't too long for you guys! If you enjoyed this, please remember to click that 'Follow' button and share with your friends and family! Also, don't forget to check out my Twitter where you can get the scoop of what's coming up next week and see what I'm up to! Comment down below if you've tried any of these hacks and how they went for you!

Stay tuned for more,

My previous post: DIY Rustic Hanging Wall Art


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