Beach Photography

Was the BBQ Food post last week successful? I loved making all the different foods! Still on a summer topic, this week we've got a photography post. Whilst making this post, I was reminded of how much I LOVE photography ❤. Also, I found out that you don't need expensive, specialised equipment to take satisfactory photos, you can just use a phone camera- which is what I did! Here are some beach photography ideas- quite a lot of these have been posted on my Instagram.

Take pictures of the seascape.

Coastlines are stunning as they are, so why not just snap a few pictures of it by itself? The sea has so many stunning colours that all match with my Instagram aesthetic 😂.

Shells by the edge of the sea.

This would work better if the sea was completely flat because the waves kept washing away the pebbles and shells and soaking my shorts so I decided just to leave it with the image I got. I wasn't very happy with it but the app I use to edit my photos saved the day!! It's called Lightroom which gives a free trial for 14 days and is INCREDIBLE. Unfortunately, it is expensive so it's only worth it if you use it regularly. I use it daily!

This was the original 😂:

Sunglasses in the sand.

Sunglasses are a necessary item at the beach so most people will bring them, therefore, there are tonnes of photography opportunities. This picture below is really edited but I like the way it looks so I decided to keep it.

Writing in the sand.

Writing in the sand is sooooo Tumblr and I love how this one came out! It makes a huge difference if you add a prop like sunglasses, for instance! 😂

Holding sand and shells in your hands.

This can also come out really cool but mine wasn't the best I could do and I'm not 100% happy with it. See if you can do better! Post it on Instagram/Twitter and tag me @ellycuriouswords (Instagram) or @ellycuriousword (Twitter).

Looking down at your feet in the water.

Maybe this wasn't the best beach to do this photo. It would work way better if you had stones and seaweed below your feet to add some colour and if the water was clearer. All in all, I like this photo even though it's not perfect!

Suncream on your knee in front of the sea and sky.

Apparently, you can get a 'Tan Tatoo' from doing this but I thought it would be a cute photo idea to try after seeing it on Pinterest. I liked this so much it went up on my Instagram!

A pile of Stones.

When you see something like this it's very hard not to take a photo of it 😂. Especially when there are quite a lot of them and the backdrop to the photo will be the sea. You could even try making your own- don't ask me how 😂.

Hold a drink or ice cream up in front of the sea.

This hot chocolate was amazing. I know, kind of weird in the summer but when you've just come out of the sea- which is warmer than it normally is but still feels freezing- it's nice to be warmed up! Then, you can go back in again!!

Guess what!? There are only three weeks until I've been blogging for a whole year!? How amazing is that!!!??? Make sure to hit that 'Follow' button to make sure that we can make our family as big as possible within the first year! Also, don't forget to check out all my social medias down below!! Have an amazing summer- or what's left of it!!

Stay tuned for more,


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