New Year Goals

We are at the end of 2018 with so many more memories than when we began the year. For me, looking into 2019, I have so many things I want to achieve and so, I thought I might write down a few of my goals here and share them with you. I wanted to name it 'New Year Goals' rather than 'New Year Resolutions' because with a goal I feel like there is less pressure and it is less formal so it doesn't feel like a necessary but it is something you can strive towards.

This year I have gone through phases of being extremely organised with my blog and social media to then, very unorganised and last minute. Recently, I have found ways in which I can see what posts are coming up in the future and knowing that I am organised for them. However, I have not been as good as I want to be at keeping this up all year round due to life being super busy as I can imagine yours is too. So, this year I would really like to be able to keep on top of my blog and all the jobs that come with it as I love keeping this little community alive so much and sharing weekly posts with you!

I am one of those people who like to stay in their comfort zone. Occasionally I will step out of it and feel truly rewarded by my efforts and whatever comes with that particular situation. 2019 is the year I want to grow as a person more, to add to what I already have in the past 6 months.

As I have said in my first goal, I was super busy this year on top of my blog schedule, I want to create a little more 'downtime' where I can regenerate and feel refreshed before starting on my next big project. Otherwise, I have no time to just reflect and chill out!

With my photography, I never really think very deeply about what I am taking a photo of. Obviously, I plan out my blog post images and take time making sure they look as good as possible but I have never really thought about looking at the more technical side of things. For instance, the settings on my camera I would like to learn to use and maybe take a few photography lessons/courses on say, lighting or flat lays...I don't know- whatever I fancy.

This sounds pretty basic, but another one of my goals for this year is to read more! I used to read all the time but my book-devouring has slowly come to a stop as I have been filling my evenings before bed with other jobs and not making time for reading. I have always loved a good book and getting lost in a story and I would love to go back to that half an hour before bed chill-time.

For the longest time, I have known that I need to drink more water because I drink barely enough. I always find that with certain glasses or bottles I drink more... haha- is that just me? So, for my health, I would like to try to drink more as I normally forget which is a really bad habit I would like to get out of.

Finally, this year I want to get some more greenery into my bedroom. As that is the place I wake up in and go to bed I feel like, in any room, it's important to have plants around you but especially there in particular. The main reason I want to do this is because plants make me happy- that sounds so cheesy but can you relate?

That was a lot of information about what I want to achieve this year... so more about you. What are your New Year Goals? Tell me in the comments or via my social medias linked below! Also, don't forget to hit that 'Follow' button and share this post with friends! Thank you for reading, once again!

Stay tuned for more,
Elly Xx

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  1. Good luck with your New Year goals - I am sure you are well on track to achieve them!

    1. Haha! Thankyou! I hope your 2019 is amazing! X


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