December Must Haves 2018 (Skincare theme)

Hi everyone!! Moving into the new year, I like to start afresh (not that I’ve been completely successful with this so far!! Haha!) so I wanted to get better with skincare. I began thinking about this in December so I’ve slowly beginning to collect some items that I can use, starting in late December and early January. I have tried a facemask that wasn’t as successful as I might’ve hoped-eeek! Luckily, I did find one that I now swear by with my other favourites which were in my November Must Haves. Now that I’ve cleared that up, (see what I did there… or is that just me making a bad, cheesy joke?) here are some products that I found this month that worked well alongside a few extra beauty items. I can’t believe how beauty-heavy this Must Haves is!!! 

Origins Clear Improvement Face Mask

This mask, changed my whole clear-skin game. After wearing it, my skin felt glowing and (this is a bit disgusting) but it removed a whole lot of gunk from my face. I could’ve written something a tad more pleasant like… ‘unnecessary dirt’ but I wanna be real with you here! Oh my word, I literally can’t explain how much I’m laughing whilst writing this! ‘Unnecessary dirt’!?!?!? Haha!!! Anyway, you get the point, it works to an incredible standard!

Flutter Hand Cream

1)    Does this smell amazing?

2)    Or what?

As well as it smelling great, it has kept my hands from going dry! This Hand Cream is from Flutter- which is a brand I’d never heard of before but, as you can probably tell from this post and future mentions to the brand, I am loving its cute style and great products!

When something's packaging is as cute as this product's, it’s very hard not to point it out! In addition, this shower gel is a mini size, therefore can be taken travelling, easily packed into small spaces. Can we just mention its smell too? I can’t describe how good this smells- you will just have to buy it!

Betty Pretty Kissable Pink Lipgloss

I have never been a big fan of lipglosses as I always think of them as the sticky, bright pink products that we used to get as kids. However, this particular item changed my mind on this front because it looks gorgeous. Not only have I fallen in love with lipglosses but also this brand- Betty! It just sits on your lips so lightly as if it isn't there and creates a subtle, shiny look which is enough to convert a girl to the 'pink, sticky' substances!!

Betty Heavenly Scent Body Mist

Like I mentioned above, Betty products are now in my range of brands that I love, not only did I find the lipgloss interest me, but the body spray, too!! As the name suggests, it happens to have a 'Heavenly Scent' which I can stop spraying everywhere. The only thing I would complain about, though is its size- wishing it was a little bit bigger!

Flutter Lip Balm

Yes. There is not one, but two products from Flutter!! I just wanted to quickly share this lip balm because of its size- it's perfect for taking everywhere and that is just what I have been doing this month not only because of this but because it smells great, too! You may have noticed smell is a big factor for me to like a product, too! Hah!

For a while now, I've been shipping an old, clunky mirror between my bedroom and the hallway for quite a while to do my makeup in front of the window for natural lighting. For Christmas, I was given this mirror and I love it so much and I am so so so so grateful! It has proved so useful to just be able to keep it in one place rather than having to carry it back and forth and it looks so nice within my actual bedroom!

Beauty Blending Sponges

In this photo, for whatever reason, a huge shadow appeared and made the sponge look really manky but in actual fact, this one hasn't been used yet! It came in a pack of four from Tescos and it has changed my makeup game, meaning my foundation looks SUPER natural and not cakey which is perfect! I don't think I will be using a makeup brush again for a while...

That is my December issue- my last Must Haves in 2018! I'm pretty sure 2018 ran out from under my feet before I had even realised how late in the year it was! If you enjoyed this post, don't forget to leave a comment and hit that 'Follow' button before going to check out my social medias linked below! Until next week!

Stay tuned for more,
Elly Xx

My Latest Post: New Year Goals

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