Stories Behind My Instagrams

I'm not really sure how I came up with the idea for this post but I decided I had to do it because I felt like it would be so much fun and a little bit different. Instagram is obviously a place for sharing memories so with each photo, it means something to the person behind the camera. With my photos, I have a few that bring back memories, big or small, so I thought I might share a few with you!

I thought I would start with my most recent post. This costa cup caused me a lot of trouble just so I could take this photo. After having a nightmarish time in Tescos, we decided to head to a Costa. Then, not been able to finish my gingerbread hot chocolate, I decided to pour it into this cup to take home with me. As I was taking a sip in the car, the lid fell off, ruining one of my favourite jumpers- I think we just saved it. I washed the cup out when we got home. Not only did that happen but then I forgot to take the photo for about 4 weeks so it was just sat on my desk which is why I posted it after Christmas! It is now stored in my 'Photography Props' box.

Just thought I'd add this in here, but do your fingers sometimes get cold when typing? I need to start to wear gloves! They're so cold!!!

This picture was taken out of my car window when I was sat in a car garage. I was playing around with my phone camera whilst I was waiting and this photo got taken. I didn't like it much to start with but then I looked at it more and I decided to post it. This is because it shows what normally would be classed as an ''unattractive'' environment but when I had looked at it closer, it showed the ''imperfections'' such as rust or dirt which I felt gave it more detail and made the image more interesting!

With this photo, it brought back memories of our skiing trip, last February. I remember standing, taking this photo, my hands freezing because my gloves wouldn't work with my camera and staring up at the foggy mountain, coming to a realisation of where I was and how beautiful the area was. If you want to see more photos, check out my post: Skiing Holiday Bloopers.

During October half term, we spent a weekend outside in nature. This photo shows the campfire we built to keep ourselves warm and for the children to toast marshmallows on. I just remember seeing the rustic welly boot along with the fire and grabbing my camera. I took a lot of photos that day!

By the time I had got this shot, we had driven past this once so I knew the opportunity was coming. It was a pumpkin field which I thought looked so awesome. I had my phone on 'constant' taking hundreds of photos one after another out of the car window so I didn't miss the shot. The sign and traffic cone being in the image was unintentional but the fact it blurred and took up a section of the image made me fall in love with it. 

Like the last photo, this took me several tries to get it right. Getting the sail in the correct place was extremely difficult as it was rotating yet somehow I managed it. We were stood on a platform on the windmill at the top of a windmill museum which had been a very interesting trip (see From France to Belgium and The Netherlands) on a beautiful day and my camera was out because there were so many good shots everywhere!! Straight after this was taken, I turned around and was walking towards a big metal pole at head hight, but typical me was looking at my camera screen checking out this image I had taken. I came so close to knocking myself out but thanks to someone who literally put their hand between my head and the pole. This story is literally so me- haha!!

This is probably my favourite photo on my whole Instagram feed. I had just spent all morning taking so many photos of the beautiful seaside town and harbour when I found this house. I am pretty sure I nearly got run over... maybe about three times whilst taking this photo? Haha I'm glad I got the shot though as this brings back so many memories- too many to go into now but I was so proud of this one!

Can I just say that flakes in hot chocolates are the best things ever! I literally cannot wait to go back so I can have another one- lol!  We had spent the day on the beach and I had begun to get cold thanks to the classic British weather so I decided to get a hot chocolate when everyone else bought an ice cream and I had absolutely NO regrets! Hah!

This was one of my first posts on Instagram when I thought I was going to have a green aesthetic which turned out to be very difficult unless you went for tonnes of walks in the countryside which, don't get me wrong, is very good for you and can be fun but in your daily life it is rare that this can be fitted into my busy schedule! I remember buying an ice cream just down the road at a little shop and trying to not let it melt until I had got to this location to shoot the picture which was very hard with ice cream in one hand and a big camera in the other. It must've been very funny to watch! Haha!

Thank you for reading this post! Let me know down below: Do your Instagrams bring back memories for you? Don't forget to hit the 'Follow' button and check out my social medias linked below!

Stay tuned for more,
Elly Xx

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  1. ๐Ÿ‘ really interesting and amusing to read your near misses๐Ÿคฃ


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