10 Things I've Learnt In The Past Year

I saw a similar post like this through Bloglovin' and decided to try and recreate it (my account is linked at the bottom of the page if you want to check it out)! So, without further ado, here's my version of it!

1. It's great fun to look forward to things but don't wish your life away. Instead, make the most of every second.

Starting with a deep one... If you look forward to things, it can be very exciting. However, I'm not saying not to look forward to things but don't wish your life away because every moment can be just as enjoyable as what you're doing at that time. Also, things can change very fast in life so, maybe appreciate what you're doing at that moment a little bit more! 

2. Get things done and out of the way.

I am officially a born procrastinator! Comment down below and hit that 'Follow' button if you are too! After a busy day, I'll tend to push all of that extra work I need to do to the back of my brain because, well, who wants to do it now? But recently, I've learnt that there are many benefits of getting it done and out of the way. For instance, you no longer have the stress of needing to do it and also, you then have a load of time to relax! 

3. Eating healthily and drinking lots of water makes me feel good.

This is a personal thing for me but I guess there might be others out there that feel the same way. I just get this real confidence boost whenever I know I've been healthy- do you too? I do eventually have to have a naughty treat though!

4. It's fine to spend your money on things you enjoy and save in the meantime.

What is that bit of extra cash in your purse for if you can't spend it on what you want to?๐Ÿ˜ƒ

5. Wear your own style- don't let others change it.

When you get unkind comments about what you wear- I haven't personally but I know people that have- you tend to stop wearing that outfit/item of clothing. But DON'T. This is what the mean person wants and they're most likely saying it because they're jealous that they don't have it and the fact that you can pull it off so well! Don't let anyone change your style because it's unique and there is no other like it!

6. The fact that effort should be rewarded instead of the outcome.

I have nothing more to say. What do you think?

7. To be organised.

It makes life so much easier and I'm not sure I could go back to being unorganised!

8. What does it matter if other people judge you?

If people don't like something about you, that's their problem, not yours. You don't have to change to please them.

9. Follow your dreams no matter what.

You can achieve them so, why not?
Quote from https://sparklesandchocolate.com/it-always-seems-impossible-until-its-done/ by Nelson Mandela.

10. If something's stressing you out, resolve it and a huge weight will be lifted off your shoulders- trust me.

I have been in SO many of these circumstances and just needed to deal with them sooner. If you're having to put up with one, right now- find a way to resolve it or just try and make it better in some way or another.

This is it for today's post- something new to be uploaded next Monday! Hit that 'Follow' button, if you're new, if you've done that already then why not leave me a comment (I love hearing from you guys ) and maybe check out my Bloglovin', Pinterest and Twitter account linked below! Don't forget to share with friends!
Stay tuned for more,

My previous post- Crunchy Cranberry Melt-In-Your-Mouth Cookies:


https://twitter.com/EllyCuriousWord       @EllyCuriousWord
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  1. Some very good advice here! As regards point 6- maybe acheiving the outcome of our effort should be the reward itself๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Yeah. I agree. As I wrote it, I meant more in the context of grading in schools but I am with you in other scenarios!


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