My Bucket List

I saw the idea to blog about your bucket list and literally just began to write this post because I thought it was an amazing idea! So, here's mine...

Visit Australia.

One of my dreams has always been to travel the world and discover all the different places that there are out there. Australia has always just stuck in my head, as being the place that I want to visit most- not sure why!

Design My Own House

This doesn't necessarily mean the main structure of the building but all the insides as I also really enjoy the idea of interior design!

Learn To Surf

It just looks so much fun, doesn't it?!

Scuba-dive in the Great Barrier Reef

I mean, any reef would be amazing!

Learn to speak a different language fluently

It would be awesome!

Ride an elephant.

I LOVE elephants (they're my favourite animal) and have never got the chance to get up close to one!

See the Northen Lights.

Apparently, it's beautiful.

Go to Glastonbury.

I've always loved festivals but never got the chance to go to this one!

Be inside a giant bubble.

You know those entertainers that you get at kid's parties that get you to stand in a ring of bubble mixture and then lift a hoop so that you're in a giant bubble? Well, when I was younger, I went to tons of parties like that and never got the chance!😂

Learn to blow bubbles with bubblegum.

I can't seem to get the hang of it!

Go to a water park.

What else is there left to say?

That was my bucket list, what items are on yours (tell us in the comments)? Also, don't forget to click the 'Follow' button to get an email each time I upload! Thank you to everyone that's following already! 13 Followers!!! It may not seem a lot to other people but it means so much to me! Please share with friends, too!!!

Stay tuned for more,


My previous post- 10 Things I've Learnt In The Past Year:

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