DIY Christmas Decorations 1- Blogmas No. 6- 2017

I love telling you guys how to make things and so, I thought this a great opportunity to do another one of my 'How to's'! This time, it's a Christmas version🎄!!!

The first item is these:

Snowy Pinecones! Great for putting on the Christmas tree or dotting around the house in various places! You can find out how to make these by going to my first Blogmas Post of this year at the link:

Mini Button Wreath-

A wreath is always a great decoration fro the house but a homemade one that you can hang on your Christmas Tree? The best bit is- it uses up all your leftover buttons! What about making yours a lot bigger than mine?

I chose to make mine with green, yellow and red buttons but really, any colour will do!

You can superglue the buttons onto the cardboard- watch your fingers🖐! I cut the cardboard afterwards but I would advise cutting it first- as you can see, the centre was messy! 

Superglue a bow onto the top and there you have it! You could add a string to hang it up with if you want.

Snowman Tea Lights-

This idea is just so cool! I got this off Pinterest and couldn't resist making them as I had bought a lot in October for a Harry Potter Party I organised! You can see these at this links: ________________.

Anyway, you can draw a face on with permanent marker. All you have to do then is attach a ribbon to the back- I used Sellotape which, to be honest, doesn't hold very well but you could find another solution!

If you found any of these useful and/or have recreated some of your own- let me know in the comments.

Stay tuned for more,


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