Melted Snowman Cookies- Blogmas No.24- 2017

One sleep to go! Don't forget to look out for my post tomorrow about our Christmas traditions! Ages ago, I decided that I was going to do a post on the Elf On The Shelf, today. However, I used that idea on the 17th of December ( so I needed another idea. I get quite a few ideas from Pinterest so that's where I went. As usual, I wasn't disappointed. That is where I got this idea from. Melted Snowman Cookies.

Digestive Biscuits
Icing Sugar
Squeezy Icing
White Fondant Icing

1. Take out the number of digestives you want to use from the packet and lay them on a plate.

2. Next, you will need to make the icing. To do this, add water to icing sugar, adding a little bit here and there until you have the perfect consistency which is quite stiff.

3. Use a spoon to place a blob of your icing into the middle of a biscuit and wait about 20 seconds until it has relaxed. Then, move it around to make a puddle shape. Don't worry if it looks messy because you can leave it a bit longer to relax again. This will give it a smoother look.

4. Add a ball of white fondant icing to it, for the snowman's head and draw a face on with squeezy icing tubes.

5. Once again, use the squeezy icing tubes to draw buttons, hats, scarves and arms into the icing itself.

I hope this will come in useful! I've made mine to snack on, on Christmas day! Don't forget to tell me if you've made these and how it went, in the comments! Also, I'd really appreciate it if you could hit that 'Follow' button and become part of the team! Thank you to those of you who already have!

Stay tuned for more,


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm glad to say that they were thoroughly enjoyed by all the family!


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